Monday 16 November 2009

What did you do with the sky ?

Where have all the stars gone ? This is really beginning to wind me up now... three weeks of prime long nights and hardly any opportunity to do anything. I've taken my Mak out 3 times now for an attempt to collimate. The first occasion, I left it out to call, when I went back out, it was dripping wet (only took 30 minutes too) and Polaris has gone... The second occasion was much the same, but without the dripping. The third occasion, I managed to get to the point of confirming that the collimation is out a little before the clouds blotted out the sky... I want to finish my M45 image ... And have a go at a few other targets...

I did see most of last nights ISS pass as it whooshed between the cloud banks, the glow of diffusing light from the mist help make up for it, and it was a bright pass too.

Surely this can't go on for much longer... It didn't feel so bad in the summer, as at least it was warm...

1 comment:

James Paulson said...

Hi John. If it's any consolation to you, this has been a lousy year all around for many as weather patterns have had a habit of being stationary for longer periods. Just this week I finally got my first break around new moon since the end of June, so hang in there, it will get better. The sky will still be there when the clouds part, and it's a good time to do some reading and learning.