Thursday, 11 September 2008

Moon and Jupiter

I've actually had a couple of nights when the moon has poked her nose out of the clouds. It's been several weeks without a sight of the moon and night skies and it's getting to me. Anyway, I managed to grab a few pictures.

Tuesday 9th - I don't think the seeing was very good, I've got much better shots than this one.

The Moon
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The Moon and Jupiter

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Wednesday 10th Sept - Much better seeing

The Moon

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The Moon with a halo

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Jupiter and the Moon - Earlier in the evening than Yesterdays

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I noticed that the Moon shot from last night had some v subtle colouring, so I pushed it in processing.

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Of course, the clouds were back in force within an hour of taking those shots, and theres no sign of them shifting again.


Anonymous said...

Hi John. Nice to see your shots. I know what you mean about the clouds. I was out on Thursday night for about half and hour taking in a view of the moon before the clouds crawled back in. It's so frustrating! Last proper clear sky was back on the 4th.

Hope you get clear skies soon!

John said...

Cheers Ewan. Hopefully we'll all get some decent nights soon. I'm really looking forward to seeing The sisters and Orion back in the skies.