Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Reprocessing Andromeda

After posting up my first attempt at processing my picture of M31 the other day, there were some suggestions that there was more detail to pull out in processing. So I went back to the original 32bit tif and started from there. I used autolevels to balance the image to start off with, then converted to 16bit and used the options here to boost the exposure a little. I then followed a tutorial I found via SGL that shows how to, using curves, first stretch the Histogram, then increase contrast and sharpness across the image. After running through and a few more tweaks, I ended up with


That's just so more detailed.

I also managed to take a couple of moon shots on Sunday.



The daytime one is by far and away the better image, but I think there are a fair few factors affecting that. 1) The moon was much higher in the sky 2) The daytime shot was from a wide open, temperature stabilised field, whereas the night shot was through an open door.

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