Sunday 6 April 2008

A brief Eyeball View - 5 April

The clouds finally cleared yesterday evening about 8pm. After dinner, I'd worked out using Heavens Above that the ISS was due to pass about 2124. So I had a look around. I spotted The Pleaides, the Hyades, Taurus, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Orion and Sirius below, Gemini and Mars within, and Auriga. Then I spotted the clouds rolling back in. And just after the ISS. It started out as a race between the ISS and the clouds, but the ISS soon pulled into the lead. I watched it climb up through Gemini and pass behind the roofline of the house. It wasn't long before the clouds had once again covered the sky.

I'm hoping that the clouds today will clear in time for sundown as I'd like to see the very very young moon, but I don't think it's likely.

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