Tuesday 1 April 2008

The Great Space chase is on

Clouds during the morning, they cleared for the afternoon, clouds during the evening, they cleared astonishingly in time for the ATV/ISS pass, then came back for good. So I setup the camera on the tripod, in the hope of capturing the pair, grabbed the bins and went out a few minutes before the pass was due to take place. I had a look at M42 and M45 through the bins. Non dark adapted, they weren't spectacular, but M42 was a very pale fringe in Orions sword, M45 was still splendid. As I took my first alignment shot, I spotted the bright spot of the ISS lifting it's way heavenward, looking a little way ahead, I spotted the dimmer dot of the ATV. WOW, the sight of both was quite astonishing. Realising, that my alignment shot was wasted and this would now not work, once it had finished I moved the tripod and camera around to try again. I hit the button and hoped. Meanwhile, watching this man made game of cosmic cat and mouse. Once the ATV faded into shadow, I followed the ISS with the bins and again, there was definitely shape to it, although just below the level of seeing, almost a shadow. The image is a single 30 seconds frame at Iso200.

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