Thursday 14 February 2008

Not a lot to report

And so, after a week of superb nights, ok I did miss a couple, we're back to normal. Reasonably nice days, overcast nights. Last night the cloud pixies were doing there tantalising best to taunt me. I have to go out early on a Wednesday evening, the sky was beautifully clear, the moon was up an there were quite a lot of stars visible, to the unaided eye. After the early evening outing was over, the sky was still wonderfully clear, and I had decided that I would get out and have a good wander around on the moon and see if I could pick up a few more items on the Lunar 100. After I had changed, eaten, got sorted, I thought I'd take another look outside. What do I find ? The thrice damnable cloud pixies have thrown a soft blanket across the sky. The moon is just about showing her face through the clouds, and there is an occasional gap drifting along between the clouds, but it's moving to fast to actually see anything properly through, let alone find a nice cluster to look at. So that was that. No observing for me.

I read the forums, found a new plugin for Photoshop Elements that adds a curves tool and played with my images of the ISS from the other night. I'm not certain I fully understand the intricacies of the art of levels and curves yet, but the more I play, the more this understanding will come. The images didn't get a whole lot better, I was being a bit brutal with the tools, going to extremes to see what effects they would have, in an effort to understand them more, so I'm not going to post them.

I'm still on the hunt for a suitable telescope mount, still trying to sort out the negotiations with the accountant, still trying to decide which of the Hyperions will be the next one added to my collection, when I've completed the negotiations that is. Nothing changes in that respect.

At least no more huge amounts of doubt over what I have or haven't seen, that's something.

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